Friday, November 5, 2010


IVF #2 is a bust. Since the transfer, I was feeling great. I was walking on cloud 9, resting up, even had a goofy and hopeful smile on my face and then it all came to a brutal end. Yesterday I started to feel menstrual cramps and had some spotting and today it's full on. It's over.

I'm feeling a lot of things (pissed, depressed, empty), but most of all, I'm feeling heartbroken. Our embies didn't make it. Had a good cry on my husband's shoulder yesterday. Not sure what the next step will be, this has all been so emotionally draining. 4 years of trying without any results is wearing me down.


Stephanie Jean-Louis said...

I'm so sorry. Thinking of you ~

Mrs BabyDream said...

So sorry to hear your news Cat Lady. I know how you feel as that happened to me on my first IVF. What helped me was to make an appointment to see your RE asap to talk about what went wrong. Take care and look after yourself and DH. xx