Wednesday, October 13, 2010

IVF #2 - Still At It

Went to the clinic and they have given me the green light to continue treatment, therefore I can start the Gonal F injections (so now it's 2 injections per night). My hubby also came with me to the consultation, as I want him to take a more active and positive role. He still drinks, smokes, etc. which has been a real bone of contention between us, and I hope that the doctor's advice about reducing these bad habits, to improve sperm quality, will be taken to heart. I'm not asking him to stop, I'm just asking him to cut back on the wine, coffee and smoke intake. I know it's easier said than done, so I hope he can find some way to conquer this battle or at least subdue it.

I also had a consultation with the anaesthesiologist and told her that the last time, during retrieval, I should have had general anaesthesia, but ended up having local, because she was not available at the last minute. She said she did not know what happened. In fact, she couldn't even find my consultation sheet in my file. Personally, I think my file got lost and that my general anaesthesia was not scheduled. I hope this time, the paper work gets filed correctly, so that I don't have to endure the pain that I did last time.

At this stage, I find that time goes by a bit faster. My ovaries will now be working overtime and I hope they will produce lots of healthy eggs that will turn into some embryos or at least one. Please oh please.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I feel your pain when it comes to your husband. Mine still drinks. A lot. His excuse is that his sperm tests have always been fine so if it ain't broke why try and fix it. My pleas that he aim not for 'fine' but 'brilliant' (anything to help my uncooperative womb) would be better falls on deaf ears. Sigh.

Anyway, wishing you at least a dozen egss. xx